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Comprehensive Privacy Notice(This notice will be referred hereinafter to as the “Privacy Notice”)

1. Identity and address of the Data Controller.

ASG Consultores Legales S.C., (hereinafter referred to as “ASG Law Firm”) as the Data Controller on the collection, use and protection of your personal information states that for the purposes of this Privacy Notice its address is located at 1850 Av. Independencia, suite 206, Jardines de la Concepción, Aguascalientes, Ags. Mexico, ZIP Code 20120 (hereinafter referred to as the “ASG Law Firm’s Address”).

ASG Law Firm makes available this Privacy Notice pursuant to articles 15, 16, 17, 33, and other applicable provisions of the Federal Law of Personal Data Held by Individuals (hereinafter referred to as “The Law”) and article 26 and other applicable provisions of the Rules to the Federal Law of Personal Data Held by Individuals (hereinafter referred to as “The Rules”).

ASG Law Firm shall only have access to the personal data provided by the data holder (hereinafter referred to as "The Client") regarding the legal relationship that The Client has or may have with ASG Law Firm and the services that the latter provides or may provide to The Client.

Such personal data will be added to the different databases of ASG Law Firm.

ASG Law Firm will be responsible for the protection of The Client’s personal data by the implementation of security, administrative and physical measures needed to ensure the integrity of The Client’s personal data and therefore avoid its damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use, access or treatment of the same while in possession of The Client’s personal data.

2. Purposes of personal data and sensitive data collection.

The personal data provided by The Client shall be used by ASG Law Firm for the following primary purposes:

  1. Get in contact with The Client or related persons interested in the services of ASG Law Firm.
  2. To answer doubts or comments raised by The Client through any means of communication.
  3. To send estimations of fees to The Client interested in the services of ASG Law Firm.
  4. To provide to The Client the professional services hired.
  5. To provide the Client with information on the status of the professional services hired.
  6. To bill The Client and undertake the payment process.
  7. To notify The Client about any update of this Privacy Notice.

ASG Law Firm may also use personal sensitive data of The Client to provide certain services, such as the filling out of governmental forms, among other services.

The personal data provided by The Client may be used by ASG Law Firm for the following secondary purposes:

  1. To send newsletters or notices on current national or international legal issues of interest to The Client.
  2. To evaluate the quality of the professional services provided by ASG Law Firm.
  3. To inform The Client about new services offered by ASG Law Firm.

In the event that The Client does not want ASG Law Firm to process his/her personal data for all or any of the aforementioned secondary purposes, The Client may inform his/her refusal or desire to limit the use of his/her personal data by sending a written communication that must be delivered to the ASG Law Firm’s Address or by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address:

3. Personal data handled.

The personal data that ASG Law Firm may use in order to fulfill with the primary and secondary purposes is the following:

  1. Identification data: Information that allows differentiating The Client from other individuals. These may include: Name, taxpayer identification number (RFC by its Mexican acronym), Personal Identity Number (CURP by its Mexican acronym), date of birth, citizenship, and social security number.
  2. Contact details: Information that allows to be in contact between ASG Law Firm and The Client. These may include: Address, office/mobile phone number, and e-mail.
  3. Financial or equity data: Data related to The Client’s assets, equity, property, or debts susceptible of economic appraisal. This data may include: Real estate and personal property, taxation, and banking data.
  4. Personal sensitive data: Data that reveals intimate aspects of The Client or that may lead to any kind of discrimination. This data may include: Racial or ethnic origin, skin color, particular signs (such as tattoos, moles, scars, etcetera), religious believes, and marital status.
  5. ASG Law Firm may collect personal sensitive data from The Client in order to provide immigration services. ASG Law Firm will only use such personal sensitive data to the extent that its use is essential to provide the immigration service requested by The Client.

In terms of article 8 of The Law, ASG Law Firm requires the express consent of the Client to process his/her personal financial or equity data. If The Client does not express his/her refusal to the processing of such data, ASG Law Firm will understand that The Client grants his/her consent to the processing of personal or financial data, since such data is intended to comply with the obligations derived from the legal relationship between ASG Law Firm and The Client. The aforementioned is according to article 10, section IV of The Law.

4. Alternatives and means to limit the use and dissemination of personal data.

If The Client wishes to request the limitation to the use and dissemination of his/her personal data, The Client may request so by a written notice to be delivered at ASG Law Firm’s Address or by sending an e-mail to

5. Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition rights (the “ARCO Rights”) and withdrawal of consent.

The Client has at all times the right to access, rectify, cancel or oppose to the use of his/her personal data, as well as to withdraw his/her consent for the use of such data.

The ARCO Rights may be asserted through a written notice to be delivered at ASG Law Firm’s Address or by sending an e-mail to

The printed or e-mail written request should contain and shall be accompanied by the following:

  1. The Client’s name, address, phone number or any other means for ASG Law Firm to communicate the response to the Client’s request;
  2. A photocopy of the documents that prove The Client’s identity;
  3. The clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which The Client wishes to exercise any of the ARCO Rights;
  4. Any other element or document to facilitate the location of The Client's personal data; and,
  5. If applicable, the legal document to prove that the applicant is The Client's attorney-in-fact or legal representative, also attaching a photocopy of his/her official identification.
  6. In the case of requests for rectification of personal data, The Client should also indicate the modifications to be made and provide the documentation to support his/her request.

Based on article 32 of The Law, ASG Law Firm will communicate The Client the response to the exercise of his/her ARCO Rights no later tan 20 days since the reception of the request. The response will be communicated to The Client at the address or e-mail indicated for this purpose in the request. If the request is appropriate, it will be effective within 15 days upon the date on which ASG Law Firm communicates the response to The Client.

The aforementioned terms may be extended for an equal period if it is convenient due to the circumstances of the case.

6. Transfers of personal data and/or personal sensitive data.

ASG Law Firm shall not transfer The Client’s personal data to third parties not related to the provision of the services contracted by The Client without his/her express consent, except in the cases set forth in article 37 of The Law and considering the provisions of the first paragraph of article 17 of The Rules.

Pursuant the second paragraph of article 17 of The Rules, if it is necessary to transfer The Client's personal data to third parties not related to the provision of the services contracted by the latter, ASG Law Firm will provide The Client with the document in which he/she grants express consent to authorize the transfer of such personal data.

7. Changes to this Privacy Notice.

ASG Law Firm reserves the right to make amendments or updates to this Privacy Notice at any time.

ASG Law Firm will make the updated version of the Privacy Notice available to The Client on the website

8. Consent.

The Client acknowledges having read the Privacy Notice and understood its scope, and therefore he/she grants express written consent to the following:

  1. The use of his/her personal data; and,
  2. The use of his/her personal sensitive data.

9. Legal.

For the interpretation and fulfillment of this Privacy Notice, ASG Law Firm and The Client will be subject to the provisions of The Regulations and other laws and regulations applicable to this matter. In case of dispute, they agree to submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the competent courts of the State of Aguascalientes, Mexico waiving since now to any other jurisdiction that could be competent due according to their present and/or future address or for any other reason.

Last update: May 2021