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Intellectual and Industrial Property Law

Trademark registration.
Collective trademark registration.
Declaration of trademark notoriety or fame.
Patent registration for inventions.
Industrial design registration.
Integrated circuit layout design registration.
Utility model registration.
Registration of data compilation work (database).
Registration of computer program work.
Registration of usage license or franchise.
Registration of patent exploitation license.
Reinstatement of a patent or registration due to late payment of fees.
Recording the substitution of a national trademark registration with an international registration.
Registration in the general powers of attorney registry of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI).
Transfer of rights over trademark or slogan.
Administrative declaration of infringement in industrial property matters.
Renewal of distinctive signs (trademark, slogan, trade name).
Conducting background searches in the industrial property registry.
Report on the validity of patents, utility models, industrial designs, and integrated circuits layout designs.
Request for technological surveillance, technological alert, and supplementary technological alert.
Registration of contract or agreement before the National Institute of Copyright (INDAUTOR).
Registration of proxy before the National Institute of Copyright (INDAUTOR).
Obtaining registration records from the National Institute of Copyright (INDAUTOR).
Advisory in inspections conducted by the National Institute of Copyright (INDAUTOR).
Copyright infringement procedure through the National Copyright Institute (INDAUTOR).